this time i will give you information about handling error problem " system error 5 - acces denied for windows firewall" . if you see this message , you can try open a run command and type "services.msc" click [ok].on the services window try to be sure the security center is started the same with the windows firewall?
internet Connection sharing (ICS) is started automatically. If still that didn't bring up the firewall interface then open a Run Command again and copy and paste this in the input text box:
internet Connection sharing (ICS) is started automatically. If still that didn't bring up the firewall interface then open a Run Command again and copy and paste this in the input text box:
rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection Ndi-Steelhead 132
Restart Windows, and then run this command (from Command Prompt):
Restart Windows, and then run this command (from Command Prompt):
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