Monday, April 22, 2013

Create new profile on window 7

Hallo all my blog visitor, today i want share tips how to create new profile on window 7. ok, let's do it . these are several steps :
  • rename old user profile , usually located in 'C:\users' to something like username_old
  • open regedit and delete the registry associated with the user profile you just named. this key located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\ProfiileListt

  •  Restart your computer and have log into the computer again. this will create new profile for that user.

that's tips from me today. i will share my knowledge to you are all

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Memperbaiki appcrash mso.dll excel 2010

pernah mengalami kejadian microsoft excelnya jika dibuka beberapa file tiba2 loading terus lalu muncul pesan error seperti crash. jangan khawatir, cara memperbaikinya tidak sulit ko. tinggal masuk ke control panel pilih features and program ,

pilih Microsoft Office  Enterprice 2007 atau versi office yang kamu install kemudian tekan Change

pilih repair kemudian tekan tombol continue .

tunggu prosesnya hingga selesai, jika sudah selesai jalankan microsoft excel seperti biasanya.